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2 Plant Eyes - 3 lengths & 3 Colors

2 Plant Eyes - 3 lengths & 3 Colors

Regular price $10.00
Regular price Sale price $10.00
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Stem Length

Price is per set of 2 stems. PLANT NOT INCLUDED.
All stems are green wrapped floral wire. The green wrapping is paper, so the soil will dirty it, but that should be hidden in the dirt so not an issue. Watering the plant will also get water on the stem (which I know is common sense but I have to mention!).

3 Length options:
6 inch stem, 10 inch stem, 14 inch stem (this does not factor in the added height of the eye ball, so consider about another inch for the eye).

Eye Colors - Green, Blue and Gray (with orange and purple coming soon!). Make your choice in the drop down menu. Your set of 2 will be the same color. If you want to mix and match, then leave me a note in the checkout process so that your note will override your choice from the drop down menu.

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